Why Monetization on YouTube Becomes Hard in 2024 – Tips to Break All the Roadblocks!


YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for content creation and consumption. Millions of people watch videos on YouTube every day, and many of them aspire to become successful YouTubers themselves. However, making money on YouTube is not as easy as it seems. In fact, it has become harder than ever in 2024, due to some new rules and challenges that affect YouTube monetization. In this blog post, I will explain why monetization on YouTube becomes hard in 2024, and how you can overcome these obstacles and make money on YouTube anyway.

New Rules Making Money on YouTube Tougher

One of the main reasons why monetization on YouTube becomes hard in 2024 is the new rules that YouTube has introduced to regulate its platform. These rules are meant to protect the interests of advertisers, viewers, and creators, but they also make it more difficult for new and small channels to qualify for monetization.

Some of the new rules that YouTube has implemented in 2024 are:

  • The YouTube Partner Program (YPP): To be eligible for monetization, you need to join the YPP, which requires you to have at least 10,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months. This is a significant increase from the previous requirement of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. This means that you need to have a large and loyal fan base before you can start earning money from your videos.
  • The Advertiser-Friendly Guidelines: To be eligible for monetization, your videos also have to comply with the advertiser-friendly guidelines, which are the rules that determine what kind of content is suitable for ads. These guidelines are very strict and cover topics such as violence, profanity, sexual content, controversial issues, harmful or dangerous acts, and more. If your videos violate any of these guidelines, they may be demonetized, meaning that they will not show ads or generate revenue for you.
  • The COPPA Compliance: To be eligible for monetization, your videos also need to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which is a law that protects the privacy of children under 13 years old. This law requires you to mark your videos as either “made for kids” or “not made for kids”, depending on whether they are aimed at or appeal to children. If your videos are marked as “made for kids”, they will not show personalized ads or comments, and they will not be eligible for some features such as end screens, cards, and notifications. This can reduce your revenue and engagement potential.

How YouTube’s Rules Affect Your Earnings?

The new rules that YouTube has introduced in 2024 have a direct impact on your earnings as a YouTuber. The more rules you have to follow, the less freedom you have to create the content you want, and the less money you can make from your videos.

Here are some of the ways that YouTube’s rules affect your earnings:

  • Lower CPM: CPM stands for cost per mille, which is the amount of money you earn per 1,000 views of your videos. The CPM varies depending on factors such as the types of ads, the location of the viewers, the niche of the videos, and more. However, in general, the CPM has been decreasing over the years, due to the oversupply of videos and the increased competition for ad space. In 2024, the average CPM on YouTube is around $2, which means that you need to have 500,000 views to earn $1,000. This is a very low rate compared to other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, where the CPM can be much higher.
  • Lower RPM: RPM stands for revenue per mille, which is the amount of money you earn per 1,000 views of your videos after YouTube takes its cut. The RPM is usually lower than the CPM because YouTube takes a 45% share of the ad revenue. In 2024, the average RPM on YouTube is around $1, which means that you need to have 1,000,000 views to earn $1,000. This is a very low rate compared to other platforms such as Twitch, where the RPM can be much higher.
  • Lower Ad Fill Rate: Ad fill rate is the percentage of your views that actually show ads. The ad fill rate depends on factors such as the availability of ads, the demand of advertisers, the preferences of viewers, and more. However, in general, the ad fill rate has been decreasing over the years, due to the increased use of ad blockers, the decreased trust of advertisers, and the increased regulation of YouTube. In 2024, the average ad fill rate on YouTube is around 50%, which means that only half of your views will generate revenue for you. This is a very low rate compared to other platforms such as Spotify, where the ad fill rate can be much higher.

More Creators = More Competition

Another reason why monetization on YouTube becomes hard in 2024 is the increased competition among creators. YouTube is a very crowded and saturated platform, with over 50 million channels and over 500 hours of video uploaded every minute. This means that you have to compete with millions of other creators for the attention of viewers and advertisers.

Some of the challenges that you face as a creator in 2024 are,

  • Difficulty in Getting Discovered: With so many videos and channels on YouTube, it is very challenging to get your videos noticed by potential viewers. YouTube’s algorithm is very complex and unpredictable, and it favors videos that have high watch time, engagement, and retention. This means that you need to create videos that are long, captivating, and relevant to your target audience. However, this is easier said than done, as you also have to deal with the changing trends, preferences, and tastes of viewers. You also have to optimize your videos for search and discovery, by using keywords, tags, titles, descriptions, thumbnails, and more. However, this is not enough, as you also have to promote your videos on other platforms such as social media, blogs, podcasts, and more. However, this is not easy, as you also have to compete with other creators who are doing the same thing.
  • Difficulty in Building Loyalty: With so many videos and channels on YouTube, it is very difficult to build a loyal and engaged fan base. YouTube’s algorithm is very volatile and inconsistent, and it can change the recommendations and notifications of your videos at any time. This means that you cannot rely on YouTube to deliver your videos to your subscribers and viewers. You also have to deal with the short attention span and the high expectations of viewers, who are constantly looking for new and better content. You also have to deal with the negative feedback and the hate comments of viewers, who can be very harsh and unforgiving. You also have to deal with the burnout and the stress of creating content, which can affect your mental and physical health.

Avoiding Copyright Issues and Other Problems

Another reason why monetization on YouTube becomes hard in 2024 is the increased risk of facing legal and ethical issues. YouTube is a very complex and controversial platform, with many rules and regulations that govern its content. These rules and regulations are meant to protect the rights and interests of creators, viewers, advertisers, and third parties, but they also create many problems and challenges for creators.

Some of the issues that you may encounter as a creator in 2024 are,

  • Copyright Infringement: Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of someone else’s work, such as music, images, videos, or text, without their permission or license. This is a very common and serious issue on YouTube, as many creators use copyrighted material in their videos, either intentionally or unintentionally. If your videos contain any copyrighted material, they may be claimed, blocked, or removed by the owner of the material, or by YouTube itself. This can result in the loss of revenue, views, subscribers, and reputation. You can avoid this issue by using only original or licensed material in your videos, or by following the fair use doctrine. This doctrine allows you to use limited portions of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
  • Community Guidelines Violation: Community guidelines violation is the breach of YouTube’s rules and policies that determine what kind of content is allowed and not allowed on the platform. These rules and policies cover topics such as nudity, violence, hate speech, harassment, spam, scams, and more. If your videos violate any of these rules and policies, they may be flagged, reported, or removed by YouTube or by other users. This can result in the loss of revenue, views, subscribers, and reputation. You can also face penalties such as strikes, warnings, suspensions, or terminations of your channel. You can avoid this issue by following YouTube’s community guidelines, which are designed to ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone on the platform.
  • Ad Policy Violation: Ad policy violation is the breach of YouTube’s rules and standards that determine what kind of content is suitable and not suitable for ads. These rules and standards are based on the advertiser-friendly guidelines, which are the rules that determine what kind of content is suitable for ads. If your videos violate any of these rules and standards, they may be demonetized, meaning that they will not show ads or generate revenue for you. They may also be limited, meaning that they will show fewer or no ads, depending on the severity of the violation.

Tricks to Make Money on YouTube Anyway

Despite the challenges and difficulties that YouTube monetization poses in 2024, there are still some tricks and tips that you can use to make money on YouTube anyway. These tricks and tips are based on the best practices and strategies of successful YouTubers, who have managed to overcome the obstacles and thrive on the platform.

Some tricks and tips that you can use to make money on YouTube anyway are:

  • Create Multiple Streams of Income: One of the best ways to make money on YouTube is to diversify your income sources, and not rely solely on ad revenue. There are many other ways to monetize your YouTube channel, such as sponsorships, merchandise, memberships, donations, crowdfunding, affiliate marketing, and more. These methods can help you generate more revenue, as well as build a stronger relationship with your audience. However, you need to be careful and transparent when using these methods, and make sure that they are relevant and valuable to your niche and your viewers.
  • Create High-Quality and Consistent Content: Another way to make money on YouTube is to create high-quality and consistent content that attracts and retains viewers. High-quality content means that your videos are well-produced, well-edited, well-researched, well-written, and well-presented. Consistent content means that your videos are uploaded regularly, preferably on a fixed schedule, and that they follow a clear theme, style, and format. High-quality and consistent content can help you improve your watch time, engagement, retention, and ranking, which can lead to more views, subscribers, and revenue.
  • Create Niche and Unique Content: Another way to make money on YouTube is to create niche and unique content that stands out from the crowd. Niche content means that your videos are focused on a specific topic, audience, or problem, that has a high demand and a low supply. Unique content means that your videos are original, creative, and innovative, that offer something new and different from the viewers. Niche and unique content can help you attract and retain a loyal and engaged fan base, who are willing to support you and your channel.
  • Use YouTube Services: The ultimate way to make money on YouTube is to use TheYTLab, which is a YouTube panel that provides all the YouTube services that you need, such as real likes, comments, subscribers, and monetized channels, at an affordable price. TheYTLab can help you boost your YouTube performance, by increasing your views, subscribers, engagement, and revenue. TheYTLab can also help you bypass the YouTube rules and regulations, by providing you with monetized channels that are already eligible for monetization; that have no risk of being demonetized, suspended, or terminated. TheYTLab is the best solution for anyone who wants to make money on YouTube, without any hassle or headache.


Monetization on YouTube becomes hard in 2024, due to the new rules and challenges that YouTube has introduced to regulate its platform. These rules and challenges affect your earnings, your competition, and your risks as a YouTuber. However, you can still make money on YouTube anyway, by using some tricks and tips that are based on the best practices and strategies of successful YouTubers. These tricks and tips include creating multiple streams of income, creating high-quality and consistent content, creating niche and unique content. By following these tricks and tips, you can overcome the obstacles and break the roadblocks that YouTube monetization poses in 2024, and achieve your YouTube goals and dreams.